
We had a packed room last Thursday as our club was happy to install 4 new members: (holding their certificate, from left to right) George Carney, Caroline Yu, Francisco "Paco" Silva, and Sylvia Ramos. We congratulate all of you and welcome you to the Kiwanis...

Crystal Yanez, Community Partnerships Coordinator for 211 LA County, was gracious to help reaffirm our knowledge of the multiple services this County organization (based in San Gabriel!) can provide. We had a good attendance this afternoon at our usual lunch session at the Hilton San...

Our club was in a party mood this Thursday with 3 new members: Lisa Guttierez-Correa (representing La Casa de San Gabriel), Jason Pu (Vice Mayor of San Gabriel), and Daniel Henry-Smith (from Siren Arts Productions). Jason Pu donates a "Happy Dollar"! Sandy Rosco, visiting from the San...